
新闻资讯 / NEWS
来源: | 作者:agriculture-100 | 发布时间: 2021-05-23 | 497 次浏览 | 分享到:

上图为本公司产品 PB 菌剂试验报告汇编及秧苗叶期展示图。
The picture above shows the compilation of the test report of Pb microbial agent and the display of seedling leaf stage


Leaf stage

Analysis of seedling quality

百奇微生物菌剂番茄田间试验 试验主持单位:山东省土壤肥料总站
Field trial of Baiqi microbial inoculant on Tomato Unit in charge of the experiment: Shandong soil and Fertilizer General Station

百奇微生物菌剂黄瓜肥效试验 试验主持单位:山东省土壤肥料总站
Fertilizer effect of Baiqi microbial agent on Cucumber Unit in charge of the experiment: Shandong soil and Fertilizer General Station